Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 196)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#105 andersk fixed binfmt_misc overrides shebang now
   scripts / sql-signup / andersk  15:37  (Anders Kaseorg)
       Wait, when did binfmt_misc start overriding shebang lines?
   scripts / sql-signup / quentin  15:39  (Quentin Smith)
       It did?
   scripts / sql-signup / andersk  15:40  (Anders Kaseorg)
       [andersk@bees-knees]:~/web_scripts$ cat test.php
       [andersk@bees-knees]:~/web_scripts$ ./test.php
       X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.9
       Content-type: text/html
   scripts / sql-signup / mitchb  15:41  (Yum, this spam is fresh!)
       That's kind of awesome.  The binfmt_misc magic still kind of confuses
   scripts / sql-signup / andersk  15:41  (Anders Kaseorg)
       That’s really bad.  Unless it’s configurable, we should get rid of
       the .php binfmt (since I think we aren’t using it), and deprecate and
       remove the .pl and .py binfmts as soon as we can.

Also, we should be recognizing Mono applications by magic number (MZ) and not extension (.exe), as described here.

#114 geofft fixed better story for importing outside Django sites

We do a lot of custom stuff in setting up Django -- splitting between web_scripts and Scripts/django, tweaking the FastCGI wrapper, setting up MySQL in, etc. This all makes it really easy to start a Django site from scratch, but makes it nonobvious to import a Django site you developed on your local machine with the built-in server.

Options to address include restoring the deleted scripts FAQ on manually setting up Django, so you can do those instructions by hand, and writing a script to scriptsize an existing Django directory.

#117 andersk fixed Review and deploy Haskell static-cat

A Haskell version static-cat has been written, benchmarked, packaged, and tested on b-b, so it’s blocking on review.

It adds support for Content-Encoding, If-Modified-Since, Range, If-Range, and REQUEST_METHOD. It should be easy to extend into a solution for the static content half of #60, at which point it could also support FastCGI with a two-line change if we decide we want that. Also, it has teh monadz.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.