

Sep 4, 2009:

2:42 PM Changeset [1313] by geofft
Make the [mysql] to [client] change everywhere that writes .my.cnf
2:08 PM Changeset [1312] by geofft
Use [client] header instead of [mysql] in .my.cnf This unbreaks mysqldump, and makes various other MySQL clients happy, without breaking mysql

Sep 2, 2009:

12:33 AM Changeset [1311] by mitchb
SSL config for bookspicker.mit.edu. The cert doesn't do much without it.

Sep 1, 2009:

3:08 PM Changeset [1310] by geofft
SSL certificate for bookspicker.mit.edu

Aug 28, 2009:

12:41 PM Changeset [1309] by presbrey
12:39 PM Changeset [1308] by presbrey
add nagios check sql.mit.edu SSL certificate

Aug 26, 2009:

1:49 AM Changeset [1307] by geofft
certificate renewals

Aug 25, 2009:

8:18 AM Changeset [1306] by mitchb
Upgrade Apache to 2.2.13; don't patch in SNI support anymore And we thought the day would never come!

Aug 21, 2009:

3:43 PM Changeset [1305] by geofft
Don't zephyr -c scripts-spew about sudo from root. Because we usually use su anyway, and that doesn't zephyr, and because you can always sudo -i, this isn't particularly useful. It's also extremely noisy (sufficiently noisy as to make you want to ignore the rest of -c scripts-spew) when Wizard runs.

Aug 17, 2009:

10:18 PM Changeset [1304] by quentin
Use Python 2.5-compatible kill
10:00 PM Changeset [1303] by quentin
Kill all svn child processes when exiting
8:43 PM Changeset [1302] by quentin
basename != dirname

Aug 16, 2009:

10:00 PM Changeset [1301] by geofft
Actually unblock reuter from sending (not just receiving) mail [help.mit.edu #985700]
2:35 PM Changeset [1300] by geofft
Unblock golem from receiving mail (discussed with him over zephyr)
2:32 PM Changeset [1299] by geofft
Unblock reuter from sending mail [help.mit.edu #985700]
5:06 AM Changeset [1298] by mitchb
Deploy Ruby on Rails autoinstaller (Merge of r1294:1297 from branches/locker-dev to trunk)
4:52 AM Changeset [1297] by mitchb
Final pre-deploy touchups to the Ruby on Rails autoinstaller o Don't use a custom ErrorDocument that implies all problems are Rails. o Tell users what directory their app is in. o Tell users to ssh to scripts to run the Rails tools. o Edit the initial welcome page to avoid talking about database creation and sqlite.

Aug 15, 2009:

2:34 PM Changeset [1296] by mitchb
fedora-ds is now 389-ds - "People like alphanumeric digits"

Aug 12, 2009:

5:44 AM Changeset [1295] by mitchb
Ruby on Rails autoinstaller! (but I...)

Aug 10, 2009:

8:54 PM Changeset [1294] by mitchb
We got nss-ldapd into Fedora! Stop building it from OpenSuSE.
6:50 AM Changeset [1293] by mitchb
Certificate and Apache config for metu.mit.edu
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.