

Mar 24, 2012:

9:00 PM Changeset [2150] by ezyang
Merge r2149: Make Rails autoinstaller work with Rails 3.
8:40 PM Changeset [2149] by ezyang
Make Rails autoinstaller work with Rails 3: - Rewrite the dispatcher we generate to work with Rack and rewrite paths appropriately - Explicitly take a dependency on the 'fcgi' gem in the generated app's Gemfile - Update invocation of 'rails' to new app generation syntax and semantics Patch contributed by Adam Glasgall <glasgall@mit.edu>

Mar 19, 2012:

1:28 PM Changeset [2148] by achernya
Certificate renewal for tibetforum

Mar 16, 2012:

4:08 AM Ticket #280 (Separate core AFS monitoring from foreign cells) created by adehnert
At the moment, it's hard to tell when a nagios AFS warning is due to …

Mar 6, 2012:

11:43 AM Changeset [2147] by achernya
Certificate and configuration for dchang

Mar 2, 2012:

1:38 AM Changeset [2146] by andersk
Synchronously delete records from ldap delete() might not actually delete a record, delete_s() will, so switch to that.
12:50 AM Changeset [2145] by andersk
Kill signup-scripts-frontend We don’t need this setuid binary because we’re already running as the right user, and also WTF was it doing with snprintf.
12:47 AM Changeset [2144] by andersk
Fix openssh.spec.patch again

Feb 27, 2012:

1:52 PM Changeset [2143] by achernya
Update openafs to build against kernel 3.2

Feb 25, 2012:

1:05 PM Changeset [2142] by ezyang
Version bump on krb5.
1:05 PM Changeset [2141] by ezyang
Version bump on rubygems.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.